Welcome to your child's home away from home!

A safe, nurturing, learning environment for children

Enhancing each child's God-given uniqueness

Welcome to your child's home away from home!
Older Infant Room

Ages: 12 months-18 months
Ratio: 1:4

Many new experiences await older infants. They are introduced to more hands-on projects encouraging fine motor development. They learn to sleep on cots and are encouraged to eat with utensils.
Some structured activities will be introduced, but children will still receive plenty of one-on-one time. They also begin to learn the concept of sharing, “nice touch,” and “no, thank you.” Our goal is to develop independence with boundaries while providing a caring, nurturing environment.
Hot Breakfast, hot lunch and snacks are provided by the center to all children up to 16 months of age. We also serve whole milk or 1% milk with every meal.
Parents Provide:
Diapers (diaper wipes will be provided)
At least two complete changes of clothing that are kept at KKC
Diaper cream
A pacifier (if needed)
Kids Kare Center
11125 West Point Douglas Road
Hastings, MN 55033
Phone: 651-330-9215
Fax: 651-493-2576
Regular Business:
7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Extended Care:
6:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.