Welcome to your child's home away from home!

A safe, nurturing, learning environment for children

Enhancing each child's God-given uniqueness

Welcome to your child's home away from home!

All meals and snacks served at KKC meet the Department of Human Services and State of Minnesota Nutritional Guidelines.We partner with Lisa's Catering to provide a hot lunch program at Kids Kare Center.

Breakfast and Snacks:
Both snack and breakfast menus can be found outside of each classroom or a copy for home can be provided upon request.
If your child is not at the center for their class scheduled breakfast, we will assume that breakfast has been served at home. We serve breakfast each morning:
7:30-7:45 School Age
8:00-8:30 Waddler, Toddler, & Pre-K
8:30-9:00 Preschool 1 and Preschool 2
We follow a two-component snack scheduled. Two-component snack means that we serve two of the five main food groups (grain, protein, dairy, fruit and/or veggie).
See a sample Breakfast and Snack Menu
We currently offer a couple of options for lunch: A hot lunch or a cold lunch from home. Our hot and lunches are catered to us by Lisa's Catering Services. The menu is sent home each month and is also available on our website. Lunches are $3.75/lunch and must be ordered a month ahead of time.
See a sample Hot Entree and Sandwich Lunch Menu for Waddlers and Toddlers
See a sample Hot Entree and Sandwich Lunch Menu for Preschool
Kids Kare Center
11125 West Point Douglas Road
Hastings, MN 55033
Phone: 651-330-9215
Fax: 651-493-2576
Regular Business:
7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Extended Care:
6:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.